Navid Nasr on the Middle East Protests, Part II


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Saturday, March 26 was a memorable day. Outside the White demonstrations were taking place surrounding Yemen, Syria, Bahrain and Libya.

Like so much of north Africa and the middle east, these countries are experiencing populist uprisings.

Navid Nasr, a local activist, took me on a guided tour. Physically we moved only a few feet as we went from one protest to the other, but historically and politically we covered a great deal of ground.

Nasr is a scholar of the middle east and is originally from Iran. “I came of age during the period when the revolution was kicking into full swing in the late ’70s, ’78-’79. I clearly remember the imposition of martial law, snipers being positioned on the rooftops. I remember the people just pouring into the streets, just like an ocean of people.”

Related stories:
A Guided Tour of Saturday’s Middle East Protests Outside the White House with Navid Nasr, Part I

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