Walmart, the corporate person and now presidential candidate, outside the conservative CPAC conference.
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This week on TheFightBack we hear from occupier Jason McGaughey who spoke with TheFightBack as Occupy DC was being evicted by U.S. Park Police on Feb. 4.
But first we hear from Matthew Kavanagh, one of a dozen AIDS activists arrested April 11 outside the office of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor’s office. That same day, D.C. Mayor Vincent Gray and six sitting D.C. councilmembers were arrested in a separate act of civil disobedience. While both actions decried congressional interference with the District’s ability to govern itself, the AIDS activists are facing more serious sentences.
We’ll also hear from Candidate Walmart who TheFightBack interviewed outside the conservative CPAC conference. Upset that President Obama had been given a title by Newt Gingrich that he felt was rightfully his, Candidate Walmart declared, “I am the food stamp president. My workers are often required to go on food stamps.”