My Response to Accusation on Kojo

Pete and Chairman Linton

Listen to Pete’s response to Chairman Linton:

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Tuesday on the Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU, taxi chair Ron Linton said I’d made “misrepresentations” in my reporting.

The subject that provoked this response was a DC cabbie’s fare increase petition. While the petition was supposed to be independent of the D.C. Taxicab Commission, the driver, Nicholas Maxwell, told me in an interview last month, “Linton and [DCTC paralegal specialist] David Person sat me down and they were like, ‘Oh, no, no, don’t use our numbers. Take that out. Don’t make it look to the people that we’re the ones that are pushing this out there.'”

“It’s an absolute falsehood that we directed Mr. Maxwell in any way, shape or form,” Linton told Kojo. “And subsequent to Mr. Tucker’s misrepresentations, Mr. Maxwell assured me that that was not what he said, but that his words were twisted,” Linton said.

At the bottom of this post is a link to the full 32-minute audio of my interview with Nicholas Maxwell, unedited. You can judge for yourself whether I twisted his words.

Listen to full unedited interview with Nicholas Maxwell: 

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