Listen to Pete and The Urban Revival‘s Kentry Kinard on Capitol Correspondent with host Carmen Russell-Sluchansky
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Tuesday on Voice of Russia’s Capitol Correspondent, which airs in DC (1390 AM) and New York (1430 AM), Pete discussed the differences between how the Big Apple and the nation’s capital have dealt with two issues: Walmart’s attempts to move in, and taxicab policy. Both of these issues will be explored further next week on Capitol Correspondent when Pete fills in for host Carmen Russell-Sluchansky on May 1 and 3.
Also joining the program was Kentry Kinard, a senior at Howard University and editor of The Urban Revival, who discussed the impact gentrification has had on D.C., his native city.
Next week, Capitol Correspondent will take a closer look at gentrification, as well as find out what Occupy DC has been up to.