Debating Cabbie Safety and Discrimination

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WUSA 9 reporter Russ Ptacek

The Taxi Link airs Sat. 7-8 pm on WUST 1120 AM. Listen here: 

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Should a cab driver be forced to pick up a passenger even if he feels his safety is in jeopardy? The law, and WUSA 9’s Russ Ptacek, say this is a risk drivers are required to take.

“These are people who have chosen to do jobs where there are risks,” said Ptacek. “We can’t put ourselves in the role of choosing who we’re going to serve.” 

Ptacek said the issue of cab driver safety is “completely separate” from whether drivers pick up every fare. But for D.C. cabbie David Takele, who was robbed at knifepoint two years ago, that’s not necessarily so. “Once somebody is sitting behind me, I don’t know who it’s gonna be… That fear is always inside my mind.”

Ptacek was surprised to learn that violence against drivers is widespread. The solution, he said, is to document the problem. “No one knows what’s going on out there and until that’s documented you’re not going to find the cavalry coming in to help you.”

While calling it a “completely separate” issue, Ptacek committed to supporting taxi drivers in their struggle to ensure a safe ride home for their customers and themselves.

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