WUST studio. Photo by Julie Espinosa – look for her upcoming documentary on D.C.’s credit card mandate
Listen to The Taxi Link’s Season 2 finale:
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“Even though there have been different issues every week, there were still some fundamental consistencies,” The Taxi Link co-host Tony Norman said on the show’s retrospective season finale. “These are drivers that are not being fairly treated… Some of it could be racial, but clearly there’s a cultural, class bias,” he said.
The Taxi Link’s second season saw coverage of Uber’s latest run-ins with regulators, D.C.’s smart meter mandate, the struggle of Prince George’s cabbies at National Harbor, Alexandria drivers’ push to freely choose their own company, cabbie safety, a reporter’s targeting of taxis in sting operations, and a famed Ethiopian musician-turned-cabbie.
The second season of The Taxi Link aired Saturdays 7-8 p.m. on WUST 1120 AM from April through August. The show was sponsored by The Small Business Association of D.C. Taxicab Drivers; volunteer-hosted by TheFightBack’s Pete Tucker and D.C. Advisory Neighborhood Commission 1B Chairman Tony Norman; volunteer-produced by Will Martin; and engineered by Mark Taylor, with special thanks to Stefan Ilie and Girma Degefa.